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Will Validation

If you write your own will on your own or through a friendly advice then you need to ensure that it is valid...

Because an invalid will can cost your loved ones - through legal hassles and numerous bills.

You need to ensure sure that it is valid because invalid Wills can cost your loved ones more than just money- they can lead to untold stress and legal hassles.

Get Will validation and will help secure your family’s continued well-being.

Is Will validation necessary?

We believe that a Will is one of the most important documents that you will sign in your life. From your most valuable to your most sentimental assets- a Will states whom you choose.

Thus, it is extremely important for your Will to be free of any loopholes that may give rise to disputes. After all you want your beneficiaries to enjoy your hard-earned assets and not fritter it away on costly legal battles or cause your assets to go into the wrong hands.

That’s why the process of validation is necessary- to ensure that your Will is legally valid.

Yes, I want to validate my Will to ensure it’s free from loopholes

Our Charges

Rs. 5000/-

Why WillEffect?
Since 1948 our parent company has been helping premier business houses and families find efficient financial solutions.
Get the advantage of bespoke, comprehensive solutions tailor-made to YOUR unique family and financial needs.
Get the advantage of our full-service range catering to every estate planning need from Wills to trusts, professional executorship, Power of Attorney and much, much more.
Get the advantage of dedicated team of experienced lawyers, chartered accountants and estate and trust practitioners.
Enquire Now!